Monday, March 26, 2007

Welcome to my blog

I consider myself old school, so a blog is something that is a bit foreign to me. However, I have lots of opinions, a bit of professional experience to draw upon, and a little time on my hands, so I'll start this exercise and see where it goes.

My field of expertise -- if there is one -- is PR. For those who don't know, that's P for public and R for relations or Public Relations. Most people think about PR and think it means "media relations," and dealing with the media is a big part of PR, but that's not the whole deal. Public Relations means the relations a company or entity or individual has with the various "publics" it works with. That might mean the media, but it also means investors or employees or general community members. You'll hear terms like investor relations, employee relations and community relations. It's all a part of PR.

So that's post number one. If you're reading this because you're looking for someone with experience managing the messages you need to communicate to a variety of different audiences, I can probably help. If you came to this site looking for public speaking assistance or a public defender, I can't help you there, although I'm the type of know-it-all who just might try. Again, welcome to my blog.

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