Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spring Fever

Spring is the one season that makes me realize how much I like Texas. It's the only time of year when it isn't blistering hot or incredibly dry and ugly. The grass is an almost neon green, the fields are full of baby cows, and the lake outside my office window is nearly full again and swarming with ducks and pelicans and lots of "bird" activity.

Spring is also that time of year when I really feel the need to start some new projects, find some new clients, and break all those bad habits that I developed over the winter (like eating too much, exercising too little, and stockpiling far too many magazines and journals in my "read later" pile).

But the real mystery of spring is that, despite all this newness and vitality surrounding me and my desire to start anew, I'm still sitting in the middle of files and piles of the "old" stuff that really needs to get done. Finding the motivation to deal with the "same old/same old" is particularly difficult this time of year. There are so many other things to do -- like paint the window boxes in front of the house or fill the borders of my yard with fresh flowering annuals. Who has time for work when it's 70 degrees out and the birds are singing?

The real mark of a professional, I guess, is the ability to ignore all the excitement of spring, ignore the chirping birds and the outdoors that is beckoning me to pick up a tennis racket or garden hoe or paintbrush and instead proofread this 20-page brochure that's been on my desk since Friday (and in the hopper for longer than I care to admit). The true mark of a professional is knowing that, when all the work is done and all the clients are happy, I can go outside and play.

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