Friday, June 6, 2008

A Red Letter Day

Yesterday was a red letter day for me. It was the first day of my life that one of my children spoke these words: "Mom, I'm going to work."

After I heard those words I could not quit smiling. I called my husband and told him, "Your son just went to work." "What?!" he exclaimed. "Where?" "Up at the club. He went up to clean the pool. He's starting as a Pool Club Assistant." "Wow. Great!" I think Mark was in as much disbelief as I was myself. After all, this is a kid who has never made his bed without prompting, does not yet know how to do his own laundry, and still asks me to make him a sandwich. But he hopped in the car and drove himself to work. Turning 16 has brought him many opportunities for freedom, including the opportunity to make his own money. I'm pretty excited about this leap in maturity.

I will admit, I pretty much expected Tanner to come back within an hour and say, "No, that wasn't for me," but he stayed up at the club for more than three hours, apparently scrubbing the sides of the pool with a long handled brush. It was a little boring, he said, but it was easy. I guess he did a good job, because he came back last evening with the paperwork he needs to fill out in order to receive paychecks -- twice a month. He's pretty psyched. Although I notice by the clock on the wall that his mommy may have to wake him up soon to get him to work on time today, at least last night he was excited to go back.

It probably helps that the lifeguards at the pool are girls. Older girls, in fact. College girls home for the summer. I'm sure they probably think Tanner is pretty cute. He is. And at 6 feet, 200 pounds he's a big boy. He looks a little older than he is, but it's an illusion that will quickly be shattered when those girls try to talk to him. He's very shy, especially with girls. This will be good for him in that regard. I know he'll be getting a few looks. He's in shape. Hockey has made his legs strong. Weight lifting has given his upper body definition. Yes, I'm sure the girls at the club are going to be happy he's joined the staff. Of course that gives me cause for pause.

Since I'm scheduled for a pool-side pedicure this afternoon, and little brother plans to spend his afternoon up at the club, I guess we'll both get to witness him on the job in person later today. That will probably embarass him that I'm there, but as long as I don't talk to him, it will be okay. Little brother will think it's pretty cool that Tanner is getting paid. I'm sure that in between dunking pre-teen girls and playing keep away with an errant tennis ball, Dylan will be watching his brother, hopefully a little envious, dreaming of the day when he too can be a Pool Club Assistant.

I'm one proud momma today. My baby has a job.

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