Saturday, August 23, 2008

A P.S.

I decided today after returning from another day in the city that one of the things I enjoy about back to school is the shopping.

Son number one and I hit the mall today, and it was good.

As the only woman in the family, I get to take charge of back to school and Christmas shopping. I'm the family expert. I like to spend money. And I'm good at it. Last week I took care of son number two, and today was time for number one.

The mall is a good experience twice a year. Since I went last weekend too, I've had my fill until the holidays.

For Nike tennis shoes, nothing beats Foot Locker. Apparently that's something everyone knows, because everyone was there. There were about ten guys in ref shirts working the floor, and doing a good job, getting shoes for people, two and three boxes at a time. We waited quite a while to get the shoes we had requested, and my son suggested we leave at one point. But I was into the vibe and in a good mood and in no hurry. It took a long time, but at the same time, it was an experience. The music was different, the people were different. Everyone had a posse just hanging out, and everyone was patient. The line to pay was incredibly long. But it was orderly, and no one made any trouble. Even me. I waited in line for 15 minutes and bought Nikes made in Vietnam for probably six dollars for 20 times that much. But they are cool, and my son is happy.

I enjoyed the Foot Locker experience. I'm into people watching and listening. This mall is an urban suburban mall. It was a microcosm of America. A melting pot. And today I stood in line at Foot Locker and melted.

P.S.S. I'm just a little down on the retail trend showcased at Hollister Co. It is too dark in those stores. I already have trouble seeing, and then they put me in the dark to buy clothes for my kids? And forget trying things on. The line was nuts. It would be a fire hazzard. I've been in three different stores and they are all the same. It's hard to see what you're buying. Fortunately it's just basic tshirts and polos. And the kids have to have it. At least it's cheap. But I hope this craze ends soon. And where's the fire marshall?

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