Sunday, December 2, 2007

Deck the halls...

I just came from church, and at the risk of alienating someone, I wanted to share something here.

Jesus is the reason for the season.

I probably should end this post right now, but because I’m a writer and this is my blog, I won’t.

Here are a few random thoughts. Feel free to add your own in a reply to this post. I really think Christmas has gotten to the point where it has to be nearly unaffordable for a whole lot of people. We’re bombarded by TV ads showing perfect, beautiful people who are exceedingly joyful in their holiday cashmere sweater. We think we need cashmere or diamonds or SALES to make us happy and to ‘bring in the holiday season.’

You saw them on TV on Black Friday (or sadly a lot of you – us—did do at least some shopping that day). I know from a close relative who does get up at 4 a.m., that to get the things that they feel everyone else has at a price they can afford, they have to get up and go to the store at 4 a.m. I think that’s pretty sad. On a whole lot of levels.

Spending money can make you happy. I’ve been there, done that, have the shoes, purses, dishes, knick knacks and collectibles to prove it. But the spending happy high goes away, and the stuff (unless, of course it’s something really special) never quite delivers what the TV ads promised or what we thought we were getting. It’s all just stuff.

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